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Forget Patience, Let’s Sell Something!

Forget Patience, Let’s Sell Something!

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August 8th 2013: Twitter Techniques That Are Essential For Sales and Business Professionals

Twitter has become one of the ten most visited websites on the Internet, and has been described as "the SMS (short message service) of the Internet.” The three primary questions with any of the social mediums is, how do I use it effectively and efficiently, how do I make it relevant to others, and how do I profit from it? Tune in today’s show as my guest and I delve into these questions and more. Mike Barnes is an online marketing strategist and social media expert. Our goal is to help you establish an understanding and game plan that will help you stay connected with clients, and get you th

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Mike Barnes

Mike Barnes Founder of SEO Alien, is a national speaker, Search Engine and Social Media marketer that is dedicated to helping his customers reach the highest in optimization. Mike has been pushing the frontiers of the online marketing possibilities and is always seeking new opportunities that can make the Internet work for any industry.Mike has always taken advantage of the Internet marketing possibilities. His online techniques helped him rise to the top. Today, Mike uses Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter and many other social media websites, to create a Matrix of high ranking links around your website that drives them to the top of the search engines.
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