Dr. Deborah  Rozman

Dr. Deborah Rozman

Dr. Deborah Rozman President & co-CEO of Quantum Intech, Inc. the parent company of HeartMath. Deborah’s background as entrepreneur, psychologist, & business executive led her to become executive director of the Institute of HeartMath in 1991. Doc Childre started HeartMath to research & develop a science-based system of tools & technologies to help people reduce their stress & improve health, resilience & quality of life. HeartMath’s breakthrough research uncovered a physiological state called heart coherence: spirit, heart, brain & nervous system synchronize and align. Today Deborah leads Quantum Intech, which develops HeartMath's technologies. The purpose: “…give people tools to access the power of their heart…the access point for intuition, the core of authenticity, self-security, & blueprint for larger purpose… ” Join Cheryl Esposito & Dr. Deborah Rozman on this episode of Leading Conversations to discover the technology that is changing lives & creating heart-based leadership around the world.