Stewart  Levine

Stewart Levine

As a practicing attorney, Stewart Levine realized that fighting was a very ineffective way of resolving problems. As a marketing executive for AT&T, he discovered why most collaborative initiatives fail - the individuals do not spend the time at the beginning of a new working relationship to create clarity about what they want to accomplish together and the steps necessary to get there. Stewart understands that building relationships and culture are essential for individual as well as organizational effectiveness. He empowers team members to fully express themselves and helps them develop the skills to effectively engage with others. His presence provides the right tone for learning while his credibility motivates people to new behavior. Stewart’s clients include 3M; American Express; Chevron; Con-Agra; EDS; General Motors; Harvard Law School; Oracle; Safeco; University of San Francisco; U.S. Dept of Agriculture and the Navy. Learn more about Stewart at