Yancy  Wright

Yancy Wright

Yancy Wright has over 12 years experience shifting behaviors and business practices in the construction industry as a green building consultant, construction manager, and educator. Driven by his passion to create a better world, he left the corporate world, moved to Puerto Rico, and started Alternavida; a sustainable lifestyle and wellness retreat that helps people create a lifestyle they don’t need a vacation from. Designed for corporations, nonprofits, and groups of like-minded individuals, Alternavida brings wellness practitioners in from around the world to create authentic, soul-enriching experiences that inspire a lifetime of sustainable living. He believes that if we take time to invest in our own wellbeing—eat well, manage stress, connect with nature and each other—we will experience an insatiable hunger to live life to its fullest. Alternavida addresses complex social and environmental problems, increases community resilience, and leaves a lasting impact on those who visit.