Adam Hall

Adam Hall

Adam C. Hall is Managing Partner & Founding Steward of EarthKeeper Alliance, Inc., an UnDevelopment™ company which combines land conservation with land development. Wilderness land is restored and protected in perpetuity – as a living legacy to investors. Formerly, Hall was an investment-banker and real estate developer whose mid-life crisis radically altered his relationship to the Earth. No longer able to accept that the and best use of a land is maximizing its income-producing potential, he developed an alternate model that makes allies of developers and environmentalists. Through Hall’s work with the Alliance, inner-city communities are also strengthened by the creation of gardens and learning centers promoting connection with the Earth as the source of our life and our nourishment. An engaging and informed speaker/story-teller, he is steeped in shamanic Mayan lore and in his own mythic and mystical experiences, which he will share with us.