Walter Larkins

Walter Larkins

Walter Larkins is a highly successful entrepreneur with over 25 years of small business development experience. He holds several US and international patents that are issued or pending. Walter serves as board member, director, commissioner, or member for countless non-profit organizations that are focused on economic and community development, job creation, education, and human rights. He is also a member of the White House Business Council. One of the non-profit organizations in which Walter is currently the Executive Director is the E=O2™ Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to guide and incentivize "at-risk" eighth grade students to do well in school and strive to expand their range of opportunities. Walter is currently President of CDR Benefits and Insurance Services and CDR Financial Services, both headquartered in Long Beach, California. He continues to be deeply involved with the business community at many levels.