Charley  Peebler, 12 yrs old, an Heir

Charley Peebler, 12 yrs old, an Heir

Charley has thrived in nature always, from time in the woods to time on the ocean’s coast either at the beach, in the waves, in the tide pools, snorkeling or diving. She has a reverence for life and wants all sentient beings to live healthy and happy. Through time at the ocean side, naturalist classes with such teachers as Susan Labiste, workshops and lectures at Monterey Bay Aquarium, Marine Mammal Center, Seymour Center, California Academy of Sciences and Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, guided kayak tours, a year-long customized hands-on and in-the-field class at Marine Science Institute, and independent study, Charley gained a solid knowledge base of the Northern Pacific coastline’s sea life, plant and animal, and she explored and studied coral in Hawaii. This year Charley is applying her passion for marine life and healthy oceans to her work as an Heir in the global movement Heirs To Our Oceans.