Mallary Pedroza  Membribes

Mallary Pedroza Membribes

Mallary Membribes is a program supervisor at TOTAL Programs. My undergrad work was in Human Development with a minor in Sociology from California State University, Long Beach with a Masters in Counseling with an Emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis from California State University, Los Angeles. Ms. Memebrides is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst for the past 3 years. While doing my undergrad I began working at a high school as a Job Coach for special needs students assisting them with finding a job, applying and interviewing, training and ongoing supervision of their current jobs, and learning how to independently ride the bus to and from work or home. This was my first encounter working with this population and I became very interested in this field and various employment opportunities that were offered. After I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree I became a Resource Specialist’s Paraeducator. I have been with TP for 7 years and now coordinate the social skills programs.