Tami  Reiss

Tami Reiss

Tami Reiss is an experienced product strategist who works with startups and established companies to bring their products and services to market. She is a public advocate for Agile development, Lean strategies, and cross team collaboration to accomplish business goals. She founded Good 2 Great Product Strategy in 2007 to help passionate leaders develop their good ideas into great products. Tami created Just Not Sorry (http://bit.ly/just-not-sorry) to help women (and men) be more confident communicators via a simple Gmail plug-in. It was covered in over 150 news sources and has been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times. She has worked with dozens of companies of various sizes as an employee and a consultant and was part of the original product team for Cornerstone on Demand. Colleagues refer to her as "the Queen Bee of the MVP"; she's the person you want in the room to decide what to do next.