Mark and Lynetta  Siedler

Mark and Lynetta Siedler

Lynetta is a master of challenges from the school of life. She has overcome physical and religious abuse, drug addiction, homelessness, bankruptcy, co-dependent relationships, divorces and completely healed herself from a diagnosis of Hepatitis C. She's trained in transformational and healing modalities, and is a certified domestic violence counselor, drug and alcohol counselor, and a Life Coach. Mark has been on a life-long journey into spirituality starting with his own religion where he was ordained as a Rabbi after 8 years of post-graduate studies. Now, Mark looks at life through the lens of Soul Life Objectives and sees the beauty of every human being. He is a master of asking the right questions to uncover buried limiting beliefs and hurts and reframes dis-empowering language. Mark and Lynetta unite the divine masculine and feminine in their lives and work. They teach and coach together for seekers of peace, healing and the ultimate no-compromise spiritual love relationship.