Michelle  Afont

Michelle Afont

As a divorce attorney for more than twenty years, Michelle has witnessed firsthand why more than fifty percent of marriages fail in the United States.
Previously married for 25 years, Michelle decided to leave her marriage after her father's deathbed confession, and seek a deep love she had never experienced. Michelle's five-year journey led her to discover a life phenomenon called "The Dang Factor," where for the first time in her life, she felt adoring and sexual love.
As part of the extensive research for The Dang Factor and The Dude Factor, Michelle personally conducted more than 4,000 interviews. She spoke with 2,000 men and 2,016 women about sex, betrayal, dating, and divorce, no topic was off-limits. From young to old, rich to poor, these men and women, both single and married, revealed their hearts to Michelle.
Unfiltered and real, Michelle represents men and women everywhere. But more importantly, she speaks the truth of discovering and preserving damn good love.