Vicky  Westra

Vicky Westra

The vision of creating a different world than what currently exists today for those with Autism was through Vicky Westra, whose own daughter was diagnosed with Autism at the age of four.
Vicky started a coffee company and a non-profit organization. These two organizations came together in 2011 to form Artistas Café, which provides training and employment for a front line team diagnosed with autism.
Because of the success of this now proven program, Autism Shifts is now creating additional pathways to employment for people diagnosed in the Culinary, Digital Media, and Animation arenas. As part of this program, they are also working with local employers to provide Autism Ready Training so they are prepared to transition students into jobs within the community.
Vicky believes that our communities are ready to understand neurodiversity and those with Autism so they live, play and work in our inclusive and embracing communities.