Radio Episodes
6/25/2020 be-gentle-with-yourself

Be Gentle With Yourself

Things Worth Considering
Life is tough right now for a lot of people. Some people are afraid for their health, others have lost jobs, finances are looking precarious for some. There are those who have kept their jobs but must work from home. Listen Now

6/18/2020 when-anger-becomes-toxic

When Anger becomes Toxic

Things Worth Considering
In the movie Network (1976) – actor Peter Finch's character bellows- ‘I’m mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore”. Anger is a very powerful experience - it affects every system in our body, to say nothing of the impact it has on our psyches. Listen Now

5/21/2020 the-hidden-cost-of-a-pandemic-breaking-the-silence

The Hidden Cost of a Pandemic: Breaking the Silence

Things Worth Considering
Let me ask you, ‘How are you holding up during this pandemic?’ How do you think you might answer that question? A lot of people have very pat answers. How are you? I'm fine, or I'm holding up in view of everything; I'm OK. Listen Now

5/14/2020 anger-is-a-normal-response-especially-in-these-times

Anger is a normal response, especially in these times.

Things Worth Considering
Are you noticing a lot of people are getting cranky and out right angry over a lot of minor things? Stress makes us cranky. People may say things attempting to hook us into their anger. Or they will do passive-aggressive – the silent treatment to people. Listen Now

4/23/2020 we-dont-need-another-stigma

We Don't Need Another Stigma.

Things Worth Considering
A few decades ago when someone was diagnosed with cancer, people as they shared the news would lower their voice and whisper the word cancer. as though it was dirty and contagious. Listen Now

4/16/2020 and-the-earth-sighed

And the Earth Sighed

Things Worth Considering
Here was something that we didn't consider, a positive side-effect of the Covid-19 pandemic. While country after country was shut down, her citizens quarantined, a silence began to descend upon the earth, and the earth sighed in relief. Listen Now

4/9/2020 this-is-our-new-normal

This Is Our New Normal?

Things Worth Considering
Lots of talk about the pandemic we are living in as the force that has changed how we live day to day. Each time we go through a life altering event we are forced at least temporarily, to establish a new way of living. Listen Now

4/2/2020 i-dont-know

I don't know!

Things Worth Considering
Unknown, confusing, outcome is uncertain. These words are too familiar to us all. We have all been in positions, at times in our life, when we didn’t know our direction, or know the outcome of situations. Listen Now

3/26/2020 lessons-from-coronavirus-covid-19

Lessons from Coronavirus - COVID - 19

Things Worth Considering
When we think of the Law of Attraction we think of physical items we attract like cars, houses, jobs, we may think of love and that perfect mate, but the Law of Attraction is much more complex. We attract where our energy goes. Listen Now

3/5/2020 grounded-smartphones-may-impede-these-connections

Grounded - Smartphones May Impede These Connections

Things Worth Considering
From childhood onward, we are subjected to multiple influences that seek to tell us who we are, how we are supposed to be, act, think. Slowly we disconnect from who we are trying without success to be what other people want us to be. Listen Now

2/27/2020 opposites-attract-versus-the-law-of-similars

Opposites Attract versus the Law of Similars

Things Worth Considering
We have heard that opposites attract, the law of Attraction, now consider the law of similars and a return of health? How does taking an infinitesimal amount of a substance, which if the same were taken in a larger quantity, would cause the same physical symptoms you are experiencing now. Yet a refined nano-dose can alleviate the symptoms and helping us to return to a healthy state? Homeopathy is a whole person system of evaluating the body, mind and Spirit but not just for physical symptoms but what we believe about being sick, what we perceive is health and how we live within our lifestyle. Listen Now