Angelica Lindsay-Ali

Angelica Lindsay-Ali

Angelica Lindsey-Ali aka The Village Auntie™ is a certified sexual health educator, researcher, author, wellness coach, and a recognized authority in sexual health, intimacy cultivation in Islamic marriage, and emotional well-being. She is popularly known as “The Orgasm Oracle” and is known for being a love and sex doula. She teaches women about sexual health and pleasure from both an African and Islamic perspective. With over 20 years of experience in women's wellness, Lindsey-Ali draws upon her clinical, cultural and religious training to educate women about sex and intimacy. Angelica offers workshops and resources on love, intimacy, traditional approaches to sexuality, and feminine gender identity. She facilitates in-person and online rites of passage programs for girls and young women. Angelica hosts the award-winning podcast called “Lights On” produced by UK based Muslim women’s media outlet Amaliah magazine.