Jessica Taylor

Jessica Taylor

Dr Jessica Taylor has written several bestselling books and been featured in many documentaries, news programs and discussion shows, focusing on misogyny, male violence against women, victim blaming and trauma of women and girls including Sky, BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and MTV. In May 2021, Jessica and Jaimi released a report on the largest UK sample of women surveyed about their experiences of violence against women since birth. ‘I thought it was just a part of life’ was downloaded tens of thousands of times and was shared across TV, radio, newspapers and magazines. The findings suggested that 99.7% of the 22,419 women who took part had been subjected to violence and abuse, with each woman being subjected to 37 crimes each during the lifespan. The novel methodology and item construction, influenced by Jessica’s approaches to psychometry, has inspired several top universities to change their own methodological approaches to VAWG studies. Jessica and Jaimi have since been commissioned to replicate the study in different areas. In April 2023, Jessica co-authored and released the Indicative Trauma Impact Manual (ITIM) which became a #1 Amazon Bestseller in USA, UK, Australia and Canada in the first week. The ITIM was developed and written by Dr Jessica Taylor and Jaimi Shrive in order to provide an anti-pathology, trauma-informed alternative to the DSM which explained trauma responses and coping mechanisms without the use of psychiatric language or labeling.