Leaders: are they born or developed?

March 3, 2016
Hosted by Lisa Chicules

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Episode Description

Leaders: are they born or developed? What is your inherent leadership style? Is your leadership style pre-determined? How can you reach your full potential as a leader? In this episode we are going to chat about uncovering a leader’s inherent leadership style through assessment tools like: Myers Briggs, True Colours, Striving Styles, etc. And then take it one step further and discuss how a leader can leverage these insights to reach their full potential. Effective leadership not only requires us to leverage our innate strengths but also learn to use the less developed aspects of our personalities to be completely effective. Otherwise a leader can create dysfunction in an organization.

Chat with Chicules: What They Couldn’t Teach You in Business School

Archives Available on VoiceAmerica Business Channel

The purpose of Chat with Chicules is to help you understand what others could not, to share what they couldn’t teach you in business school, because you have to live it to get it. The intention of the show is to share insights and ideas to be successful in business today. Your show host, Lisa, will share the experiences she has unearthed in her journey to thrive in business. Lisa speaks with candor about what it really takes to be successful, challenges preconceived notions, and to inspire. This is for people who would rather stand up and be noticed than sit down and be hidden.

Lisa Chicules

Lisa Chicules has over twenty years of experience working with leading brands like Nike, Coca Cola and General Mills. Lisa has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Finance and Economics from the University of Western Ontario, and began her career in advertising. She provided major contributions to world-renowned agencies, including J. Walter Thompson, DDB, and Leo Burnett. Also, Lisa has run two successful consulting businesses and is a member of the Canadian Marketing Association.

She is a brand champion and transformative leader within the marketing and communications industry. Lisa partners with stakeholders and leverages her unique insights to efficiently analyze business challenges, steer brand discovery and influence positive outcomes.

She has been honored globally for her work and contributions on key accounts, including The Heart and Stroke Foundation, Gold CMA Marketing Award, Coca Cola Canada, London International Advertising Awards and Advertising and Design Club of Canada, Nike Global recognition for Women in Sport and General Mills, One Show Certificate, TV Broadcast New York.

Episode Directory

March 2016

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